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Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Garlic can treat Gout.
9 Rookie Mistakes You Can't Believe You Used to Make at the Gym.(3)
It's a miracle you made it out in one piece back then.
3. You chilled in your workout gear for hours. If only you had a time machine, your vagina would love you so much more.
Saturated fats and trans fats are both listed on a product's nutrition label.
Partially hydrogenated oils contain trans fats.
Saturated fats show up in lard.
Saturated fats show up in butter.
Saturated fats show up in tropical oils (such as palm kernel and coconut).
Saturated fats show up in whole milk.
Saturated fats show up in high-fat meats.
Limit saturated fats and avoid trans fats, both of which are considered unhealthy.
Sources of these "healthy fats" include seeds.
Sources of these "healthy fats" include Nuts.
Sources of these "healthy fats" include Olives.
Sources of these "healthy fats" include Avocados.
Sources of these "healthy fats" fatty fish (like salmon).
Sources of these "healthy fats" include Olive oil.
Sources of these "healthy fats" include canola oil.
When it comes to fat, think mono- and polyunsaturated fats.
Choose good fats.
Choose good fats.
So mix it up – try to eat something today that you didn't eat yesterday.
And choosing from all food groups is important so you can get the vitamins you and your baby need over time.
Complex carbs like vegetables not only provide more nutrition than processed starches and sugars, they provide longer-lasting energy.
Complex carbs like fresh fruits not only provide more nutrition than processed starches and sugars, they provide longer-lasting energy.
Complex carbs like cereals not only provide more nutrition than processed starches and sugars, they provide longer-lasting energy.
Complex carbs like whole grains not only provide more nutrition than processed starches and sugars, they provide longer-lasting energy.
Eating a mix of carbohydrates protein, and fat at meals keeps you feeling full longer and supplies the nutrients your body needs.
Variety and balance are key to a healthy diet.
The key assumptions are that (i) agents who suffer from inflation illusion interact with “smart” agents in markets for nominal credit instruments.
In this paper, we consider the effect of inflation illusion on asset prices in a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous agents.
In the high-inflation 1970s and further–typically stronger–booms occurred in the more recent low-inflation environment.
However, an early critique of the inflation illusion hypothesis (Summers 1983) points out that the 1970s saw a housing boom coincide with high nominal interest rates.
More recently, inflation illusion has again become a prominent theme in the financial press, because the 2000s housing boom coincides with low inflation and low nominal interest rates.
Modigliani and Cohn (1979) use this idea to rationalize the stock market slump of the 1970s, which coincided with high inflation and high nominal interest rates.
Garlic can treat Sinus Congestion.
Garlic can treat Stomach Ache.
9 Rookie Mistakes You Can't Believe You Used to Make at the Gym.(2)
2. You never increased the weights you lifted. You thought that picking up a heavier weight would instantly turn you into Arnold Schwarzenegger (here's the truth), so you bicep curled your heart out with those tiny two-pound dumbbells—that is, if you even made it to the scary weight room.
It's a miracle you made it out in one piece back then.
2. You never increased the weights you lifted. You thought that picking up a heavier weight would instantly turn you into Arnold Schwarzenegger (here's the truth), so you bicep curled your heart out with those tiny two-pound dumbbells—that is, if you even made it to the scary weight room.
If you're losing more than 1 pound a week after the first six weeks, that's a sign you need to take in more calories.
A sudden, large drop in your calorie intake can affect your milk supply, so don't go on a crash diet to lose weight quickly.
Most women can safely lose 1 pound each week by combining a healthy diet with moderate exercise.
And be sure to stay hydrated – sometimes dieters cut back on water when they eat less food.
If you're overweight or obese, you may be able to start trying to shed pounds earlier but first ask your doctor for advice.
Monday, 30 March 2015
A reduced-calorie diet in the first couple of months could sap your energy and diminish your milk supply.
Don't try to lose weight by dieting until at least two months after your baby is born.
The best plan: Lose your pregnancy weight gradually. Plan to take up to a year to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight.
It all depends on your body, your food choices, your activity level, and your metabolism.
Aim for slow and steady weight loss.
Some new moms find the weight just seems to fall off, while others don't lose much.
Some new moms find the weight just seems to fall off, while others don't lose much.
If you're concerned about putting on excess pounds, talk to your healthcare provider about your body mass index and what you can do to maintain a healthy weight.
The exact amount depends on a number of individual factors, such as your weight, how much exercise you get, how your metabolism works, and how frequently you're breastfeeding.
Instead of counting calories, follow your hunger as a guide to how much you need to eat.
But in general, most women who are breastfeeding need about 500 calories more than moms who aren't – that's a total of 2,000 to 2,500 calories per day.
There's no single answer to how many calories a nursing mom needs.
Don't count calories.
Eating small meals with healthy snacks in between – the way you may have done during pregnancy – is a good way to keep your hunger in check and your energy level high.
Many breastfeeding moms feel extra hungry, which makes sense: Your body is working around the clock to make breast milk for your baby.
Also, you need strength and stamina to meet the physical demands of caring for a new baby.
When you don't get the nutrients you need from your diet, your body draws on its reserves, which can eventually become depleted.
Just because your baby won't be harmed by your occasional dietary lapses doesn't mean that you won't suffer.
However, if your diet is too low in calories or relies on one food group at the exclusion of others, this could affect the quality and quantity of your milk.
One of the wonders of breast milk is that it can meet your baby's nutritional needs even when you're not eating perfectly.
Diet for a healthy breastfeeding mom.
Many new moms wonder how breastfeeding will affect their diet. You probably don't need to make any major changes to what you eat or drink when you're nursing, though there are a few important considerations to keep in mind:
Many new moms wonder how breastfeeding will affect their diet. You probably don't need to make any major changes to what you eat or drink when you're nursing, though there are a few important considerations to keep in mind:
Modigliani and Cohn (1979) argue that investors who suffer from inflation illusion price assets as if real payoffs are discounted at the nominal interest rate.
Many countries experienced a housing boom in the high-inflation 1970s and a second, stronger, boom in the low-inflation 2000s.
The resulting housing boom is stronger if credit markets are more developed.
In either situation, disagreement about real interest rates between smart and illusionary investors stimulates borrowing and lending and drives up the price of collateral.
Housing booms occur both when the nominal rate is especially low and when it is especially high.
The model also predicts a nonmonotonic relationship between the price-to-rent ratio on housing and nominal interest rates.
The presence of smart investors ensures that the equilibrium nominal interest rate moves with expected inflation.
Garlic can treat coughs, headache.
Garlic can treat Fever.
9 Rookie Mistakes You Can't Believe You Used to Make at the Gym.
It's a miracle you made it out in one piece back then.
1. You rocked out on the elliptical sans resistance. "WEEE," said everyone who ever went to town on the elliptical without any resistance. Fun? Yes. Effective? Nope.
Some women turn to cod liver oil as a source of omega-3s.
Some women turn to cod liver oil as a source of omega-3s. If you go this route, check the label and make sure you're not exceeding the recommended dosage of vitamin A. (Vitamin A can be toxic at high doses.) You'll also want to make sure that the brand you choose filters the oil to eliminate toxins such as PCB).
Some women turn to cod liver oil as a source of omega-3s. If you go this route, check the label and make sure you're not exceeding the recommended dosage of vitamin A. (Vitamin A can be toxic at high doses.) You'll also want to make sure that the brand you choose filters the oil to eliminate toxins such as PCB).
These supplements have no fishy aftertaste, and they're appropriate for vegetarians.(Algae)
Other omega-3 supplements are derived from algae rather than fish.
Many contain fish oil, but mercury is not fat soluble (stored in fatty tissue), so it's not in the oil. You can find omega-3 supplements in liquid, soft chews, and soft gel form, and some are flavored to mask the fishiness.
Omega-3 supplements are mercury-free.
Choose a brand that also contains some EPA. (There's no consensus on how much EPA you need.)
I recommend taking a daily supplement with 200 mg of DHA, since you should be able to get the rest through food, even if you don't eat any fish.
Most experts think you should get about 300 milligrams (mg) daily while breastfeeding.
Supplements may be an easier way to get a good dose of omega-3s.
Some don't contain very much DHA or EPA, but small amounts can add up. (Look for products that contain at least 50 milligrams of DHA per serving.)
Many foods – such as eggs, milk, soy beverages, juice, yogurt, bread, cereal, and margarine – are now fortified with omega-3s.
You may have heard that flaxseed is a good source of omega-3s, but plant foods contain only the fatty acid ALA, which has not been proven to provide the health benefits of DHA and EPA.
Fish sticks and canned chunk light tuna are low in mercury but are not a good source of omega-3s.
The Food and Drug Administration recommends limiting your intake of solid white tuna to 6 ounces per week.
Canned solid white albacore tuna provides some omega-3s, but it also tends to be high in mercury, so some experts recommend that pregnant women avoid it.
But if you're not eating much oily fish, you'll probably want to get your omega-3s somewhere else.
Five ounces of salmon, 14 ounces of rainbow trout, or 16 sardines a week should give you a good dose of omega-3s.
In general, it's better if you can get your nutrients from food – that way you'll benefit from other nutrients in the food at the same time.
Cold-water fish – also referred to as fatty fish – contain the highest amounts of omega-3s.
Omega-3s are passed to a baby in breast milk.
Certain types of fish are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids (specifically DHA and EPA), which experts believe are important for your baby's brain and eye development.
Is it safe to take an omega-3 supplement when I'm breastfeeding?
Yes. In fact, if you're not eating fatty fish once or twice a week, taking a daily omega-3 supplement might be a good idea.
Yes. In fact, if you're not eating fatty fish once or twice a week, taking a daily omega-3 supplement might be a good idea.
If you're concerned, talk with your healthcare provider about the best course of action. And pay particular attention at the fish counter.
There are tests that can detect the mercury in your blood or in a hair sample, but they aren't routinely recommended.
How can I tell whether I have high levels of mercury in my body?
Saturday, 28 March 2015
Illusionary investors mistake changes in nominal interest rates for changes in real rates, while smart investors understand the Fisher equation.
This paper considers asset pricing in a general equilibrium model in which some, but not all, agents suffer from inflation illusion.
The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Bureau of Economic Research
The views expressed herein are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis or the Federal Reserve System.
We also thank Pedro Gete for excellent research assistance.
Working Paper 12957
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
March 2007
Working Paper 12957
1050 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
March 2007
Garlic is used for preventing and treating bacterial and fungal infections.
Garlic is also used for Preventing tick bites.
9 Rookie Mistakes You Can't Believe You Used to Make at the Gym.
It's a miracle you made it out in one piece back then.
Whether the first time you stepped foot into a gym was totally intimidating or more like finding your home away from home, we're guessing your gym membership didn't come with an encyclopedia-like knowledge of etiquette, workouts, and which stuff does what. You've come a long way, lady. And to celebrate that fact, we bring you all of those oh-so-relatable and incredibly embarrassing gym newbie mistakes you'd rather forget you made back in the day. (You're new to the gym, you say? Browse this list, learn from others' mistakes, and start your gym career off on the right track.)
You should also make sure that the brand you choose filters the oil to eliminate toxins such as PCBs.
Vitamin A can be toxic at high doses.
Some women turn to cod liver oil as a source of omega-3s.
If you go this route, check the label and make sure you're not exceeding the recommended level of vitamin A for pregnant women.
If you go this route, check the label and make sure you're not exceeding the recommended level of vitamin A for pregnant women.
If you've begun taking prenatal vitamins, check the label. Some contain DHA.
So ask your healthcare provider about the types of supplements available and the amounts that would be suitable for you, based on your diet and the other supplements you take.
The Institute of Medicine (the group that sets the recommended daily intake levels for nutrients) has not set recommended levels for DHA or EPA.
Omega-3 supplements that are derived from algae rather than fish have no fishy aftertaste and are appropriate for vegetarians.
Many contain fish oil, but mercury is not fat soluble (stored in fatty tissue), so it's not in the oil.
These supplements provide EPA and DHA and are mercury-free.
To cover your bases, especially if you don't eat fish, you might choose to take an omega-3 supplement.
You may have heard that flaxseed is a good source, but the only omega-3 fatty acid that plant foods contain is ALA, which has not been proven to provide the health benefits of DHA and EPA.
Some don't contain very much DHA or EPA, but small amounts can add up.
Look for products that contain at least 50 milligrams of DHA per serving.
Look for products that contain at least 50 milligrams of DHA per serving.
Margarine has omega-3s.
Cereal has omega-3s.
Bread has omega-3s.
juice, yogurt are fortified with omega-3s.
soy beverages are fortified with omega-3s.
Milk is now fortified with omega-3s.
What can I eat, other than fish, to get my omega-3s?
Eggs are now fortified with omega-3s.
Eggs are now fortified with omega-3s.
Other experts recommend that you not eat a fish if you can't determine that it's safe.
If you don't find an advisory for the fish that's been caught, the EPA recommends limiting your intake of it to 6 ounces per week and not eating any other fish that week.
These advisories are usually indicated on signposts in fishing areas.
What about fish that we catch ourselves in local waters?
It depends on the water in your lake, river, or coastal area. You'll want to check your local advisories to determine which fish to avoid.
It depends on the water in your lake, river, or coastal area. You'll want to check your local advisories to determine which fish to avoid.
So yes, I’m thrilled we’ve finally started actual implementation of Obamacare (call it Healthcare Reform – Part 1), but this is no time for a parade in the parking lot.
I think it deserves our collective and immediate attention.
I think it deserves our collective and immediate attention.
“Will Obamacare have a significant impact on NHE, the current payment system or the primary care physician shortage?”
The one vendor (non-MD) hesitated – because he was pretty confident in technologies innate ability to tame this beastie.
The one vendor (non-MD) hesitated – because he was pretty confident in technologies innate ability to tame this beastie.
A Comprehensive Look at Healthcare Delivery Reform: From Accountable Care to Patient-Centered Medical Home and Beyond.”
Smoking – still the leading cause of preventable death AND – wait for it – still at 20%. I’m out of breath just reading that one.
Aging population – about 10,000 people turn 65 – every day (for the next 15-20 years)
Adding about 30M newly insured to the healthcare system.
- Sure retail clinics, Nurse Practitioners and others will pick up slack – but is that really the best healthcare choice – or by necessity?
Primary Care Physician shortage – now, ongoing and no end in sight.
Friday, 27 March 2015
Garlic is also used for building the immune System.
Garlic has been tried for treating cold and flu.
Thursday, 26 March 2015
Here’s Exactly What to Eat to Achieve Any Fitness Goal.
For Wight Loss EAT.
Make sure your food isn't hindering your progress.
For Wight Loss EAT.
20 percent protein
25 percent fat
55 percent carbs
Total daily cals: 1,400 (to drop 1 to 1.5 pounds per week)
25 percent fat
55 percent carbs
Total daily cals: 1,400 (to drop 1 to 1.5 pounds per week)
- 1/2 whole wheat English muffin (toasted) with 1 cup spinach leaves (steamed), 1 poached egg, 1 slice of tomato, 1 slice of avocado, and salt/pepper/a pinch of red pepper flakes
- 1 pear
Mid-Morning Snack
- 1 apple
- 1 Tbsp caramel sauce
3 cups spinach leaves with 3 oz salmon (like the pouch kind or leftover from dinner the night before), 1/2 cup trimmed green beans, 2 Tbsp sweet onions (sliced paper thin), 1 hard-boiled egg (sliced), and 2 Tbsp low-fat honey dijon vinaigrette
3 cups spinach leaves with 3 oz salmon (like the pouch kind or leftover from dinner the night before), 1/2 cup trimmed green beans, 2 Tbsp sweet onions (sliced paper thin), 1 hard-boiled egg (sliced), and 2 Tbsp low-fat honey dijon vinaigrette
Mid-Afternoon Snack
- 1 piece string cheese
- 1/2 cup mango chunks (thawed from frozen or fresh)
- 4 oz shredded chicken with 2 Tbsp low-fat Caesar dressing, 1 cup butterleaf lettuce (torn), and 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes (sliced) in 1 whole-wheat tortilla
- 1 cup tomato soup
1/2 cup frozen yogurt
1/2 cup frozen yogurt
Total Calories: 1,399 (23 percent fat, 56 percent carbohydrates, 22 percent protein)
Total Fat: 36.9 grams
Total Carbohydrates: 199.4 grams
Total Fiber: 27.4 grams
Total Protein: 80.7 grams
Total Fat: 36.9 grams
Total Carbohydrates: 199.4 grams
Total Fiber: 27.4 grams
Total Protein: 80.7 grams
Experts are still debating exactly how much mercury is harmful, but most agree it's a good idea for women of childbearing age to avoid fish that are high in mercury and to limit (but not eliminate) other fish in their diet.
Women who are pregnant, thinking of becoming pregnant, or nursing – and their babies and young children – are most vulnerable to high levels of mercury.
The results may be mild or severe. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), cognitive skills (like memory and attention), language, motor skills, and vision may be affected.
Studies show that exposure to high concentrations of methylmercury during pregnancy can impair a baby's growing brain and nervous system.
Once you become pregnant, the mercury in your body will cross the placenta, too.
What could happen if I eat fish that's high in mercury?
Your body easily absorbs methylmercury from fish and stores it for months.
Your body easily absorbs methylmercury from fish and stores it for months.
Larger fish also tend to live longer than smaller fish, so there's simply more time for mercury to build up in their bodies.
And the bigger the predator fish, the more fish it eats.
And the bigger the predator fish, the more fish it eats.
Almost all fish and shellfish contain some mercury, but large predator fish accumulate the most.
That's because predator fish eat other fish – fish that have absorbed mercury themselves.
That's because predator fish eat other fish – fish that have absorbed mercury themselves.
Methylmercury binds tightly to the proteins in fish muscle and remains there even after the fish is cooked.
Fish absorb methylmercury from the water they swim in and the food they eat.
When mercury settles into water, bacteria convert it into a form called methylmercury.
It's used in making thermometers and thermostats and may be released when those products end up at the dump.
It's also released into the air by power plants, cement plants, and certain chemical and industrial manufacturers.
Some of the sources (such as volcanoes and forest fires) are natural.
Mercury is everywhere, even in the air we breathe.
How does mercury get into fish?
But it's important to know which ones(fish) are safe and how much to eat.
Most experts agree that women in their childbearing years should eat some fish.
Mercury accumulates in the body – and takes time to go away once you reduce your intake – so you're right to be concerned about your exposure before becoming pregnant.
In high doses, this metal ( mercury) is harmful to a baby's developing brain and nervous system.
On the other hand, you've probably also heard that some types of fish contain contaminants such as mercury.
Your body will store omega-3s for several weeks, so it's a good idea to make sure you're getting enough now so you'll have adequate levels when you become pregnant.
Fish is high in vitamin D and other nutrients that are crucial for a developing baby and a healthy pregnancy.
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Salad ingredients plus prep is way more expensive than any “value” meal at a fast food chain.
Schools gave up the Pepsi/Coke machine fight – cash strapped schools just added the revenue to their budgets.
A Food industry that’s backwards. Focused on speed and low cost – not health
Just bundling the payment (vs. individual transactions) may feel good but it doesn’t reverse the focus (from expensive specialty care to preventative primary care)
A healthcare payment system that’s reversed – high rewards to expensive procedures and specialties – not primary or preventative care
$3 trillion per year + 4% growth each year – as far as the eye can see. The Real NHE.
We have two major weapons in our battle of the healthcare bulge. Legislation and innovation .
Here’s Exactly What to Eat to Achieve Any Fitness Goal.
Make sure your food isn't hindering your progress.
For Wight Loss EAT.
Mid-Morning Snack
- 1 apple
- 1 Tbsp caramel sauce
3 cups spinach leaves with 3 oz salmon (like the pouch kind or leftover from dinner the night before), 1/2 cup trimmed green beans, 2 Tbsp sweet onions (sliced paper thin), 1 hard-boiled egg (sliced), and 2 Tbsp low-fat honey dijon vinaigrette
3 cups spinach leaves with 3 oz salmon (like the pouch kind or leftover from dinner the night before), 1/2 cup trimmed green beans, 2 Tbsp sweet onions (sliced paper thin), 1 hard-boiled egg (sliced), and 2 Tbsp low-fat honey dijon vinaigrette
Garlic has been tried for treating high blood pressure late in pregnancy (pre-eclampsia).
Garlic has been tried for treating traveler's diarrhea.
Fish is also high in protein.
Fish is also low in saturated fat.
Eating fish when you're trying to conceive: How to avoid mercury and still get your omega-3s.
I'm planning to become pregnant. Should I be eating fish?
I'm planning to become pregnant. Should I be eating fish?
Many women who are planning a pregnancy wonder about this.
Even if you don't care for seafood, you've probably heard that fish is a major source of omega-3 fatty acids (specifically DHA and EPA), which are important for a baby's brain and eye development.
Extreme weight loss from crash dieting can deplete your body's nutritional stores, which isn't a good way to start a pregnancy.
If you're overweight, aim to lose one to two pounds a week, a safe rate of weight loss.
While you're following a smart eating plan with low-fat, high-fiber foods, start or increase an exercise routine.
Also, obese women have more pregnancy and birth complications, and underweight women are more likely to have a low-birth-weight baby.
Being over- or underweight can make it harder to get pregnant.
Shedding some pounds, or gaining a few if you're underweight, while you're attempting to get pregnant is a good idea, since you want to be as close as possible to your recommended weight when you conceive.
Find your ideal body weight.
Getting too much folate may hide a B-12 deficiency, which is sometimes a problem for vegetarians.
For some women, there's an exception to this rule: Getting too much folate may hide a B-12 deficiency, which is sometimes a problem for vegetarians. Ask your doctor or midwife if you think you may be at risk.
For some women, there's an exception to this rule: Getting too much folate may hide a B-12 deficiency, which is sometimes a problem for vegetarians. Ask your doctor or midwife if you think you may be at risk.
You can lose a lot of this vitamin in cooking water, so steam or cook vegetables in a small amount of water to preserve the folate.
But there's a downside to being water-soluble, too.
But there's a downside to being water-soluble, too.
Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin, so your body will flush out the excess if you consume too much.
Folate-rich foods such as Cereals.
Folate-rich foods such as Fortified breads.
Folate-rich foods such as whole grains.
Folate-rich foods such as Legumes.
Folate-rich foods such as Nuts.
In addition, you can eat folate-rich foods such as citrus fruits.
In addition, you can eat folate-rich foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables like spinach or kale.
A good over-the-counter prenatal vitamin should contain more than the minimum recommendation of folic acid, between 600 and 800 mcg — what you'll need during pregnancy.
And if you're having twins or triplets, your provider will probably tell you to increase your folic acid intake to at least 400 mcg per baby.
If you have a family history of neural-tube birth defects or take medication for seizures, your healthcare provider may suggest that you boost your daily intake to 4,000 mcg, or 4 mg, starting at least a month before you conceive and continuing throughout your first trimester.
Most women of child-bearing age should get (Folic Acid) 400 micrograms (mcg) daily, the equivalent of 0.4 milligrams (mg), according to the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS).
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Obamacare is the sausage we got through the legislative grinder – but its legislation around the edges. It’s not the real legislation. It’s Legislation Crudités.
So, while I am in fact rooting for all of these efforts to succeed wildly, I’m just not seeing how they can deliver the really massive savings – you know – like ever. In hindsight, it’s easy to see why. Obamacare is the sausage we got through the legislative grinder – but its legislation around the edges. It’s not the real legislation. It’s Legislation Crudités.
So, while I am in fact rooting for all of these efforts to succeed wildly, I’m just not seeing how they can deliver the really massive savings – you know – like ever. In hindsight, it’s easy to see why. Obamacare is the sausage we got through the legislative grinder – but its legislation around the edges. It’s not the real legislation. It’s Legislation Crudités.
At this very first stage of implementation (and through 2015) these EHR’s are not necessarily connected or automatically part of any larger network (local, regional or national).
Is there any precedent for this on a National Scale – in 5, 10, 20 years? At this very first stage of implementation (and through 2015) these EHR’s are not necessarily connected or automatically part of any larger network (local, regional or national). No real gains here – for several (if not many) years. Do we need to do this. Yes. Are we hitting NHE yet? Not so much.
Is there any precedent for this on a National Scale – in 5, 10, 20 years? At this very first stage of implementation (and through 2015) these EHR’s are not necessarily connected or automatically part of any larger network (local, regional or national). No real gains here – for several (if not many) years. Do we need to do this. Yes. Are we hitting NHE yet? Not so much.
Secondly, the cost savings everyone highlights (duplication of lab tests and related procedures) is absolutely a worthwhile goal.
Secondly, the cost savings everyone highlights (duplication of lab tests and related procedures) is absolutely a worthwhile goal of moving to EHR’s, but that can only happen when the health records are mobile and interoperable.
Secondly, the cost savings everyone highlights (duplication of lab tests and related procedures) is absolutely a worthwhile goal of moving to EHR’s, but that can only happen when the health records are mobile and interoperable.
Ask any doctor or practice that has implemented an EHR system.
The first year costs relative to lost productivity eclipse the software/hardware costs by a really wide margin.
The first year costs relative to lost productivity eclipse the software/hardware costs by a really wide margin.
This isn’t a simple case of moving from paper and pen to word processing. These electronic systems affect the entire provider-patient workflow.
In the short term, the loss of productivity to small practices (where a large % of healthcare is delivered) as they move from paper to electronic is a really big hit ?
Garlic has been tried for treating hayfever (allergic rhinitis).
Garlic has been tried for treating Osteoarthritis.
This vitamin (Folic Acid)is linked to a lower incidence of cancer.
This vitamin (Folic Acid)is linked to a lower incidence of Strokes.
This vitamin (Folic Acid) is linked to a lower incidence of heart attacks.
This vitamin (Folic Acid) has been proven to reduce a baby's risk of neural-tube birth defects such as spina bifida.
Get lots of folic acid — at least 400 micrograms a day.
Talk with your healthcare provider about the right prenatal supplement for you.
Those who consume a vegetarian diet may also need Vitamin D and B-12 supplements in addition to extra protein.
it's smart to switch to a pill formulated specifically for pregnant women.
Regular over-the-counter multivitamins may contain megadoses of vitamins and minerals that could be harmful to a developing baby.
Remember that a supplement is a safeguard, not a substitute for a sound diet.
You may find it particularly hard to eat well when you're at work or parenting other children, so taking a prenatal vitamin ensures that you're getting enough folic acid and other nutrients to boost your chances of conceiving.
Trying to conceive? Five changes to make to your diet now.
Take a vitamin-mineral supplement.
Although you can meet almost all of your nutritional needs through a balanced diet, many experts believe that even the healthiest eaters can use extra help.
Even hot dogs or deli meats should be heated until they are steaming before you eat them if you are pregnant.
smoked or raw meats should be avoided entirely during pregnancy.
Processed meats should be consumed in small amounts.
Instead, eat lower-mercury fish such as canned light tuna (not albacore, which is higher in mercury) once or twice a week.
Instead, eat lower-mercury fish such as Salmon.
Avoid high-mercury fish such as tilefish ,while you're trying to conceive.
Avoid high-mercury fish such as king mackerel, ,while you're trying to conceive.
Avoid high-mercury fish such as swordfish,while you're trying to conceive.
Avoid high-mercury fish such as shark,while you're trying to conceive.
Because mercury can accumulate in your body and linger there for more than a year, it's best to avoid high-mercury fish.
Although fish is generally very healthy, certain types are high in mercury, which can be dangerous to your unborn baby.
Monday, 23 March 2015
In the short term (like the next 3-5 years) we’re really just starting to make that technology investment.
Moving to EHR’s will allow analytics on an unprecedented scale.
As long as clinical records are paper-based – we can’t apply analytics at scale for establishing quality metrics – across a nation.
Electronic Health Records (EHR’s).
Electronic Health Records (EHR’s). Here’s another one guaranteed to deliver a huge financial windfall, right? In fact, the net effect of EHR implementation in 2012 – and likely through 2015 is more simply to begin the accounting side of care quality (not billing – that’s long been the purview of Practice Management software – already in fairly wide distribution).
Electronic Health Records (EHR’s). Here’s another one guaranteed to deliver a huge financial windfall, right? In fact, the net effect of EHR implementation in 2012 – and likely through 2015 is more simply to begin the accounting side of care quality (not billing – that’s long been the purview of Practice Management software – already in fairly wide distribution).
So – Value Based Purchasing (by CBO’s own estimate) and hospital readmissions (a small fraction of the 30%) will not likely have a big impact on $3 trillion.
So – Value Based Purchasing (by CBO’s own estimate) and hospital readmissions (a small fraction of the 30%) will not likely have a big impact on $3 trillion. Not saying we shouldn’t do these things as better healthcare practices – but making a big dent in $3 trillion? I’m just not seeing it.
So – Value Based Purchasing (by CBO’s own estimate) and hospital readmissions (a small fraction of the 30%) will not likely have a big impact on $3 trillion. Not saying we shouldn’t do these things as better healthcare practices – but making a big dent in $3 trillion? I’m just not seeing it.
Because hospital readmits for each of the above conditions are reasonably unavoidable with patients that:-
That’s a fairly sizable distinction in terms of potential savings. I contend that it’s a relatively small fraction of that original 30%. Why? Because hospital readmits for each of the above conditions are reasonably unavoidable with patients that:
That’s a fairly sizable distinction in terms of potential savings. I contend that it’s a relatively small fraction of that original 30%. Why? Because hospital readmits for each of the above conditions are reasonably unavoidable with patients that:
* Are Older
* Are not always able to take care of themselves
* Will most likely have one or several other diseases
* Have trouble with memory, sight and mobility
* Are often alone
* Are not always able to take care of themselves
* Will most likely have one or several other diseases
* Have trouble with memory, sight and mobility
* Are often alone
The basic calculation then for payment on readmits is unavoidable (patient induced) OR more than 30 days after discharge.
Garlic has been tried for treating Diabetes.
Garlic has been tried for treating an enlarged prostate (benign prostatic hyperplasia ).
Here’s Exactly What to Eat to Achieve Any Fitness Goal.
Make sure your food isn't hindering your progress.
For Weight Loss EAT.
- 1/2 whole wheat English muffin (toasted) with 1 cup spinach leaves (steamed), 1 poached egg, 1 slice of tomato, 1 slice of avocado, and salt/pepper/a pinch of red pepper flakes
- 1 pear
Your healthcare provider may recommend that you cut caffeine out entirely to play it safe.
Experts generally agree that low to moderate caffeine consumption, less than 300 mg a day or about the equivalent of two 8 ounce cups of coffee, won't affect your fertility.
You may also want to cut back on caffeine. The research on whether caffeine can affect fertility is mixed.
Some solid advice: Cut out or only occasionally drink alcohol.
Some solid advice: Cut out or only occasionally drink alcohol. (For non-alcoholic alternatives, see our list of the best virgin drinks). Stop using recreational drugs and, if you smoke, quit. All of these substances and habits can harm a developing fetus.
Some solid advice: Cut out or only occasionally drink alcohol. (For non-alcoholic alternatives, see our list of the best virgin drinks). Stop using recreational drugs and, if you smoke, quit. All of these substances and habits can harm a developing fetus.
If your eating habits leave something to be desired — and many people's do — you'll have to make some adjustments.
you may not ovulate at all if you've lost a drastic amount of weight or are obese.
Not getting enough nutrients can affect your periods, making it difficult to predict when you ovulate.
Certain vitamins and nutrients — such as vitamins C and E, zinc, and folic acid — are important for making healthy sperm.
Eat several servings of fruit, vegetables, grains such as whole wheat bread, and calcium-rich foods such as yogurt, cheese, and milk every day. Boost Post
You need to stick to a balanced diet to boost your chances of conceiving and of having a healthy baby.
For both men and women, food and fertility are linked.
Trying to conceive? Five changes to make to your diet now.
Improve your diet
The sooner you start eating well, the more likely you are to get pregnant.
Of course, if you have reason to suspect a fertility problem in yourself or your partner, go ahead and make an appointment – there's no reason to wait.
And if you're under 35, it's probably fine to keep trying for a year before seeking assistance.
If you're 35 to 40, talk to a specialist after you've tried for six months with no luck.
Fertility declines as you get older, so if you're over 40, get help from an expert right away.
After that, how long you should keep trying before you seek help from a fertility specialist depends in large part on your age.
If you're going to get pregnant naturally, it's very likely to happen within the first three months. About 6 out of 10 couples have conceived by then.
How long to try before seeking help.
The improvements he makes today will yield better sperm specimens about three months from now.
The sooner your partner can make these changes, the better: Sperm take a while to develop, so the improvements he makes today will yield better sperm specimens about three months from now.
The sooner your partner can make these changes, the better: Sperm take a while to develop, so the improvements he makes today will yield better sperm specimens about three months from now.
Avoid hot tubs, saunas, and hot baths, since heat kills sperm (testicles function best at 94 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit, a couple of degrees cooler than normal body temperature).
Eat enough of certain key nutrients – like zinc, folic acid, calcium, and vitamins C and D – that help create plentiful, strong, wiggly sperm
Nix tobacco and recreational drugs (these can cause poor sperm function).
Cut back on alcohol (studies show that drinking daily can reduce testosterone levels and sperm counts and raise the number of abnormal sperm).
Those “adjusted” factors are known in the industry as “avoidable” (hospital induced) versus unavoidable (patient induced) readmissions.
Now, I forget the legal term for those big swinging barn doors at the end of that last sentence – but they look pretty wide open to me.
Sunday, 22 March 2015
Such measures must be adjusted for factors such as age, sex, race, severity of illness, and other factors that the Secretary determines appropriate.
Beginning in FY 2014 and thereafter, the measures selected must include efficiency measures, including measures of Medicare spending per beneficiary.
Here’s the longer, more detailed definition of the clause:-
Here’s the longer, more detailed definition of the clause:“The Program will begin in FY 2013 and will apply to payments for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2012. For FY 2013, the Secretary [HHS] shall select measures that cover at least the following five specific conditions or procedures: (1) acute myocardial infarction (AMI); (2) heart failure; (3) pneumonia; (4) surgeries; and (5) health care-associated infections.
Here’s the longer, more detailed definition of the clause:“The Program will begin in FY 2013 and will apply to payments for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2012. For FY 2013, the Secretary [HHS] shall select measures that cover at least the following five specific conditions or procedures: (1) acute myocardial infarction (AMI); (2) heart failure; (3) pneumonia; (4) surgeries; and (5) health care-associated infections.
Hospital Readmissions.
Tons of cycles being expended on this category too. No question that hospitals (and entrepreneurs) will be heavily focused on this “low hanging fruit” – it’s already started in earnest. But how much is it relative to that $3 trillion?
Tons of cycles being expended on this category too. No question that hospitals (and entrepreneurs) will be heavily focused on this “low hanging fruit” – it’s already started in earnest. But how much is it relative to that $3 trillion?
Value Based Purchasing.
Value Based Purchasing. Again, from that just released CBO study over 20 years:“After two decades of trying to shift toward rewarding quality care, disease management and care coordination and value-based payment … have not reduced Medicare spending.”
Value Based Purchasing. Again, from that just released CBO study over 20 years:“After two decades of trying to shift toward rewarding quality care, disease management and care coordination and value-based payment … have not reduced Medicare spending.”
Garlic is also used to treat prostate cancer and bladder cancer.
Some people use garlic to prevent Lung cancer.
Here’s Exactly What to Eat to Achieve Any Fitness Goal.
Make sure your food isn't hindering your progress.
For Weight Loss EAT.
20 percent protein
25 percent fat
55 percent carbs
Total daily cals: 1,400 (to drop 1 to 1.5 pounds per week)
25 percent fat
55 percent carbs
Total daily cals: 1,400 (to drop 1 to 1.5 pounds per week)
Trick #4: Set the stage for super sperm.
Sperm have their best shot at fertilizing an egg when they're healthy, strong, and plentiful.
Sperm have their best shot at fertilizing an egg when they're healthy, strong, and plentiful.
Another tip: If you and your partner are waiting to have sex until your most fertile time, make sure you haven't gone through too long of a dry spell beforehand.
If you want to have sex more often than every other day, that's fine. It won't help you conceive faster, but it won't hurt, either.
Having sex this often means you'll have healthy sperm waiting in your fallopian tubes every day, ready to spring into action whenever your egg gets released.
If you're not sure when your fertile period will be, here's an easy rule of thumb: Hit the sheets every other day.
That means if you have sex on Monday, sperm can survive in your fallopian tubes, waiting for an egg to float by, until around Thursday – or maybe even as late as Sunday.
Your egg survives for only about a day.
You have a range of days for baby-making sex because sperm can survive for three to six days in your body.
Starting a little sooner can't hurt; some women have gotten pregnant from sex that happened six days before they ovulated.
Trick #3: Get busy at the right time.
Once you know when your egg will be released from your ovary, you can plan to have sex during your most fertile days: from three days before ovulation through the day of ovulation.
Once you know when your egg will be released from your ovary, you can plan to have sex during your most fertile days: from three days before ovulation through the day of ovulation.
If you notice that you have irregular periods over the course of several months, pinpointing ovulation could be difficult. Ask your doctor for advice.
Knowing when you ovulate means that you and your partner can identify the bull's-eye and then aim for it, instead of just shooting a bunch of arrows and hoping the target happens to be there.
Since you ovulate once each menstrual cycle, there are only a few days out of each cycle when sex can actually lead to pregnancy.
Think of the egg as a bull's-eye and the sperm as arrows. One of the arrows has to hit the bull's-eye in order for you to get pregnant.
Trick #2: Figure out when you ovulate.
The biggest secret to getting pregnant faster is knowing when youovulate (release an egg from your ovary).
The biggest secret to getting pregnant faster is knowing when youovulate (release an egg from your ovary).
This may be the single most important thing you can do to help ensure a healthy baby, and all it requires is a saliva or blood sample from each of you. It's even covered by most health insurance policies.
Depending on your ethnic background and family history, our practitioner may encourage you to consider genetic screening to see if you or your partner are carriers for serious inherited illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, and others.
You may not be able to get an appointment right away or resolve any health issues immediately, but taking these steps as soon as possible will help you conceive faster in the long run.
To find out whether you're in baby-making shape – and to learn what changes may help – schedule a preconception checkup with a doctor or midwife.
Trick #1: See your practitioner and consider genetic testing.
You're more likely to have a successful pregnancy if your body is up for the task.
You're more likely to have a successful pregnancy if your body is up for the task.
You'll dramatically reduce the risk of certain birth defects if you begin taking folic acid at least one month before you start trying to conceive.
How to get pregnant fast.
Maybe you're just really eager to get pregnant, or maybe you want your baby's birth to happen at a specific time. Here are four tricks to make it more likely that you'll conceive soon after you start trying.
Maybe you're just really eager to get pregnant, or maybe you want your baby's birth to happen at a specific time. Here are four tricks to make it more likely that you'll conceive soon after you start trying.
Some ovulation kits also base the "fertile time" on rising estrogen levels.
Some ovulation kits also base the "fertile time" on rising estrogen levels rather than the peak of luteinizing hormone, or LH, which is the actual trigger for egg release. In those situations the "fertile time" may seem to be longer.
Some ovulation kits also base the "fertile time" on rising estrogen levels rather than the peak of luteinizing hormone, or LH, which is the actual trigger for egg release. In those situations the "fertile time" may seem to be longer.
The time that it takes for an egg to develop, or mature, within the ovary can vary, and therefore, the actual day of ovulation can vary by several to many days.
Friday, 20 March 2015
Insurance Rebates.
Yes, Obamacare took the payers out to the woodshed. Medical Loss Ratios (or basically what the insurance companies pay out for actual healthcare services) will be mandated – but is this really going to dent our NHE?
Yes, Obamacare took the payers out to the woodshed. Medical Loss Ratios (or basically what the insurance companies pay out for actual healthcare services) will be mandated – but is this really going to dent our NHE?
On the contrary, any impact on NHE in this category is likely to be negative – not positive.
I think it’s a reasonably safe assumption that any adjustments for “treatment disparities” are likely to mean more healthcare spending and benefits for the disparaged and not automatically a reduction in spending for the privileged.
Treatment Disparities.
I’m in total agreement that these do exist, and I do agree that Obamacare is designed to address this issue, but I don’t believe they will reduce our NHE – and certainly not by any significant amount.
I’m in total agreement that these do exist, and I do agree that Obamacare is designed to address this issue, but I don’t believe they will reduce our NHE – and certainly not by any significant amount.
For almost every program, spending stayed the same or, after considering the fees paid to participating organizations, it rose.” Whoopsy.
The report found that on average, the 34 disease management and care coordination programs designed to improve the quality of care for chronically ill Medicare patients barely affected hospital admissions. For almost every program, spending stayed the same or, after considering the fees paid to participating organizations, it rose.” Whoopsy.
The report found that on average, the 34 disease management and care coordination programs designed to improve the quality of care for chronically ill Medicare patients barely affected hospital admissions. For almost every program, spending stayed the same or, after considering the fees paid to participating organizations, it rose.” Whoopsy.
From a FierceHealthcare article referencing CBO’s own blog post yesterday -
“After two decades of trying to shift toward rewarding quality care, disease management and care coordination demonstrations and value-based payment demonstrations have not reduced Medicare spending.
“After two decades of trying to shift toward rewarding quality care, disease management and care coordination demonstrations and value-based payment demonstrations have not reduced Medicare spending.
Some people use garlic to prevent Prostate Cancer.
Some people use garlic to prevent Breast Cancer.
Here’s Exactly What to Eat to Achieve Any Fitness Goal.
Stir-fry with 1 cup cooked brown rice, 5 oz chicken, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup chopped bell peppers, 1/4 cup water chestnuts, and 2 Tbsp teriyaki sauce
Total Calories: 2,474 (30 percent fat, 53 percent carbohydrates, 18 percent protein)
Total Fat: 84 grams
Total Carbohydrates: 333 grams
Total Fiber: 41 grams
Total Protein: 112 grams
Make sure your food isn't hindering your progress.
DinnerStir-fry with 1 cup cooked brown rice, 5 oz chicken, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup chopped bell peppers, 1/4 cup water chestnuts, and 2 Tbsp teriyaki sauce
Total Calories: 2,474 (30 percent fat, 53 percent carbohydrates, 18 percent protein)
Total Fat: 84 grams
Total Carbohydrates: 333 grams
Total Fiber: 41 grams
Total Protein: 112 grams
So you may be bleeding right at the time of ovulation, when you're most fertile.
It's also possible to mistake breakthrough bleeding — spotting between your periods — for a regular period.
And considering that sperm can survive in your reproductive tract for up to three days, it's theoretically possible for the sperm to hang around until you ovulate again.
If you have a shorter cycle, you could ovulate just a few days after you have your period.
But not every woman's cycle length is the same. Many women have a cycle that's about 28 days long, but some have cycles as short as 22 days long.
Typically, when you have your period, another egg is developing in preparation for release during the current cycle.
If the egg isn't fertilized, it's shed along with your uterine lining during your period.
So the only way you can get pregnant is if sperm are present in your fallopian tube during this window of opportunity.
An egg can survive in your fallopian tube for about 24 hours after it's released from the ovary.
The ovary releases the egg into the abdomen, where it's quickly sucked up by the tulip-shaped opening of the nearest fallopian tube.
Sometime during the middle of your menstrual cycle, most likely between the 12th and 16th days, an egg reaches maturity in one of the two ovaries.
Conception occurs when an egg and sperm meet in a fallopian tube.
You'd have to have a very short menstrual cycle,this would bring the time of ovulation closer to the time when you would start bleeding.
You'd have to have a very short menstrual cycle, which is the time from the first day of one period to the first day of the next period, or a tendency to have long periods.
Can you get pregnant during your period?
It's possible — but highly unlikely.
It's possible — but highly unlikely.
You can start a little earlier if you want – some women have gotten pregnant from sex that happened six days before they ovulated.
Your most fertile period is about five days long: from three days before ovulation until one day after.
Have sex at least every other day during your most fertile period for the best chance of conceiving.
Every woman's body is different, so it's up to you to read the signs.
If your day of ovulation varies, use your charts to see whether any other pattern emerges.
For example, when you're about to ovulate, you have two or three days of egg white cervical mucus and then your temperature takes a little dip before rising the next day.
For example, when you're about to ovulate, you have two or three days of egg white cervical mucus and then your temperature takes a little dip before rising the next day.
Now you know when you'll be ovulating next cycle (and therefore when to have sex).
Figure out your pattern. If you ovulate on or near the same day in each cycle, you're in luck!
When you do this for a few months, you may start to see a pattern that will enable you to predict when in your cycle you ovulate.
During your next cycle, fill out the chart again and see whether you ovulate on the same cycle day or not.
Thursday, 19 March 2015
From a Fierce Healthcare article referencing CBO’s own blog post yesterday :-
From a Fierce Healthcare article referencing CBO’s own blog post yesterday - “After two decades of trying to shift toward rewarding quality care, disease management and care coordination demonstrations and value-based payment demonstrations have not reduced Medicare spending.
From a Fierce Healthcare article referencing CBO’s own blog post yesterday - “After two decades of trying to shift toward rewarding quality care, disease management and care coordination demonstrations and value-based payment demonstrations have not reduced Medicare spending.
Savings aside, the CBO just announced the results of a 20 year study that negates much of the entire ACO and “bundling payment” premise.
Our NHE is $3 trillion – per year. That $333 million per year savings is a fairly insignificant 0.01%.
Accountable Care Organizations – or ACO’s. The current math is that ACO’s (a key aspect of Obamacare) will accrue “just under $1 billion in savings” over the next three years.
We don’t have a debt problem in this country – we have a healthcare problem.
It’s come to be known affectionately as “doc fix” – and we’ve kicked that can down the road for 9 consecutive years. Maybe we’ll just write it off – and maybe we should – but it’s actually on the books so we can’t just ignore it – can we? That puts the real NHE at about $3 trillion for 2012 (+ about 4% for each year forward – as far as the eye can see). As one economist said – we don’t have a debt problem in this country – we have a healthcare problem.
It’s come to be known affectionately as “doc fix” – and we’ve kicked that can down the road for 9 consecutive years. Maybe we’ll just write it off – and maybe we should – but it’s actually on the books so we can’t just ignore it – can we? That puts the real NHE at about $3 trillion for 2012 (+ about 4% for each year forward – as far as the eye can see). As one economist said – we don’t have a debt problem in this country – we have a healthcare problem.
NHE for 2012 is probably closer to $2.7 trillion but there’s this nagging bookkeeping accrual of about $300 billion where we (narrowly) avoided those darn pesky SGR cuts to Medicare.
National Healthcare Expenditure – or NHE. Total agreement that costs are “out-of-control” because our NHE is really $3 trillion – this year.
Some people use garlic to prevent Stomach Cancer.
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