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Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Yes, caffeine makes you pee more.

It's a myth that caffeinated drinks dehydrate you.

More than that(200 mg) raises the risk of miscarriage, according to a 2008 study.

It's best to limit caffeine, too – including caffeinated teas and colas – to 200 mg (about one 12-ounce cup) per day.

Keep in mind that juice and sweetened drinks also provide a lot of extra calories, so don't rely on them too much.

Milk, juice, decaffeinated drinks, and caffeinated drinks all contain plenty of water and "count" toward your fluid intake.

How much water should I drink while I'm pregnant?

Aim for eight 8-ounce glasses per day (64 fluid ounces) of fluid, plus one 8-ounce cup for each hour of light activity.

Iceberg lettuce has only trace amounts of these nutrients.

5. Iceberg lettuce When it comes to lettuce, choose greens, such as romaine, that are full of fiber, A and C vitamins, folic acid, calcium, and potassium.

If you can't avoid the occasional frozen meal, look for organic brands that are low in salt and fat.

Instead, pop a potato in the microwave, then top it with cheese and steamed broccoli for a fast, healthy meal.

Monday, 29 June 2015

4. Too many frozen prepared meals There are some good choices out there, but many have astronomical amounts of salt and fat.

There are some okay packaged lunch options out there, though, so check the labels!

There are some okay packaged lunch options out there, though, so check the labels!

3. Shelf-stable commercial lunches Sure, they're a quick fix for hunger pangs, but preservatives, salt, and fat make most of them a poor choice.

3. Shelf-stable commercial lunches Sure, they're a quick fix for hunger pangs, but preservatives, salt, and fat make most of them a poor choice.

2. Soda If you fill up on empty calories and sugar, you won't have any room for more nutritious drinks. Low-fat milk, water, and juice are better choices.

Foods to avoid 1. Packaged ramen noodles Read the label: These quick-cooking noodles are packed with salt, fat, and little else.

Look for single-serving containers in the dairy section of most grocery stores. Top with fruit or throw in a handful of nuts and dried fruit to make things more interesting.

10. Fat-free or low-fat cottage cheese .Cottage cheese is a good source of protein and a fair source of calcium.

Friday, 19 June 2015

Almost all breakfast cereal is now fortified with essential vitamins and minerals, including folic acid.

9. Whole grain cereal or instant oatmeal) Stash a few single-serving packages in your desk at work for a quick, filling snack.

Grab a juice box (check the labels for maximum fortification) when you're on the go.

Just half a cup of orange juice provides half the daily requirement of vitamin C and about 15 percent of your calcium needs.

8. Orange juice fortified with calcium and vitamin D

Low-fat mozzarella sticks are full of calcium, and one stick provides the same amount of protein as an 8-ounce glass of milk.

7. String cheese) If you don't know about string cheese now, just wait until your baby is a toddler – this food is likely to become a favorite snack.

Look for other prewashed veggies like broccoli, cauliflower, and spinach to make a quick dinnertime stir-fry.

Dip them in hummus or yogurt for an extra dose of nutrition or add a dab of salad dressing for flavor.

6. Baby carrots) Carrots are full of vitamin A and fiber, and you can find them in single-serving bags.

Add nuts, chickpeas, and kidney beans for a protein boost, and top with raisins for iron, fiber, and potassium.

Load up on spinach, carrots, tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, and zucchini.

Thursday, 18 June 2015

5. Salad bar Some fast-food restaurants and many grocery stores have salad bars where you can serve yourself practically a whole day's worth of fruits and vegetables.

5. Salad bar Some fast-food restaurants and many grocery stores have salad bars where you can serve yourself practically a whole day's worth of fruits and vegetables.

5. Salad bar Some fast-food restaurants and many grocery stores have salad bars where you can serve yourself practically a whole day's worth of fruits and vegetables.

4. Make-it-yourself trail mix.
Add a cup of whole grain cereal to a handful of your favorite dried fruits and nuts (try dried cherries and almonds, or dried cranberries and walnuts). Keep it in a resealable bag in your desk or car for a handy, crunchy snack.

If the label says "live and active cultures," you'll also get the benefit of probiotics – helpful bacteria that aid digestion and protect your digestive tract.

3. Yogurt One 6-ounce container of this classic nutritious-and-convenient food can provide 25 percent of your daily calcium requirement, as well as protein and several necessary vitamins and minerals

2. Raisins A small (1 1/2-ounce) box provides a little boost of fiber, iron, and potassium while satisfying a sweet tooth.

Or if you prefer, try those handy little 4-ounce fruit cups, which count as one serving toward your daily recommendation for fruits and vegetables during pregnancy.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

1. Fruit) Grab an apple, banana, pear, orange, or another favorite fruit.

10 fast foods a pregnant woman could love (and five to avoid).

Convenience foods that taste good are one of the luxuries of modern living – it's just unfortunate that so many of them are full of preservatives and other ingredients you should steer clear of during pregnancy. 

You can also rent or buy a Doppler for home use, but some experts caution against this because it takes considerable training and practice to find and correctly identify a baby's heartbeat.

Checking your baby's heartbeat will become a regular part of every prenatal visit.

A heartbeat that's much faster or slower than that may signal a problem.

The heart rate of a healthy baby in the womb ranges from about 120 to 160 beats per minute.

Many women say that the beating of their baby's tiny heart sounds like the thunder of galloping horses. Hearing it for the first time can be very moving.

It then processes and amplifies them so you can hear the heartbeat.

The Doppler sends and receives sound waves that are reflected off your baby's heart.

She'll cover it with ultrasound gel and move it around on your belly until she finds a spot where the heartbeat can be detected.

Monday, 15 June 2015

The fetal Doppler is a handheld ultrasound device that your caregiver can use to find your baby's heartbeat.

How early the sound can be picked up depends on your baby's position in your uterus, your weight, and the accuracy of your due date.

How early the sound can be picked up depends on your baby's position in your uterus, your weight, and the accuracy of your due date.

our caregiver may be able to find it with the Doppler as early as 10 weeks, but it's more common to hear it at 12 weeks.

Otherwise, you'll probably hear first hear it with a fetal Doppler at a regular prenatal care visit.

The baby's heart starts to beat at around 6 weeks.

When can I hear my baby's heartbeat?

You may be able to hear -- and see -- your baby's heart beat for the first time when you're about 8 weeks pregnant if you have an early ultrasound exam. 

You and your baby deserve more than that.

At the same time, don't tolerate a healthcare practitioner who won't give you thorough answers, doesn't show reasonable compassion, or barely looks up from your chart.

That doesn't mean your practitioner doesn't have to answer your questions, but sometimes a discussion can be continued at the next visit if it's a really busy day or if your practitioner needs to head to the hospital to deliver a baby.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

keep in mind that some days are busier than others.

Be open-minded. When talking with your doctor or midwife, you should feel comfortable speaking freely, but remember to listen, too. Take notes, if you find it helpful.

Ask the staff about the administrative stuff. Save your questions about things like insurance and directions to the hospital for the office staff so your practitioner has more time to answer your important questions.

In addition to any physical complaints you may have, let your practitioner know if you have any emotional concerns or fitness or nutrition questions.

Consult the notebook of questions you've been compiling.

So if anything is bothering you, speak up.

Speak up. Your practitioner isn't a mind reader and won't be able to tell what you're thinking just by performing a physical examination.

Still, you want to make sure that your concerns are addressed – and that you and your baby are being well taken care of.

A quick visit is usually a sign that everything is progressing normally.

Many women look forward to their prenatal appointments but are disappointed to find that, with the exception of the first visit, they're in and out of the office in ten minutes.

It seems like my prenatal visits are over before they even start. How can I make the most of my appointments?

Friday, 12 June 2015

Counsel you about lifestyle issues (such as the importance of good nutrition and avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and drugs), and discuss the pros and cons of optional tests you may want to consider.

At the end of the visit, your practitioner will review the findings with you, explain the normal changes to expect before your next visit and the warning signs to watch for.

measure your abdomen; check the position of your baby; listen to your baby's heartbeat; perform other exams and order tests, as appropriate; and closely monitor any complications you have or that you develop, and intervene if necessary.

Your midwife or doctor will check your weight, blood pressure, and urine.

It's important that you go to all of your prenatal appointments, even if you're feeling just fine and believe that everything is progressing perfectly.

The goal of prenatal visits is to see how your pregnancy is proceeding and to provide you with information to help keep you and your baby healthy.

Your practitioner will have other questions as well, which will vary depending on how far along you are and whether there are specific concerns.

What happens during these appointments? Your practitioner will start by asking how you're feeling physically and emotionally, whether you have any complaints or worries, and what questions you may have.

Of course, if you have any pressing questions or worries, or develop any unusual symptoms, don't wait for your appointment – call your practitioner right away.

For example, before you drink an herbal tea or take a supplement or an over-the-counter medication, bring it with you to your next appointment so your doctor or midwife can read the label and let you know whether it's okay to ingest.

Thursday, 11 June 2015

You may be surprised by how many questions you have, so don't miss the opportunity to get some answers in person.

Is there anything I need to do to prepare for my prenatal visits? During the weeks before each visit, jot down any questions or concerns in a notebook so you'll remember to ask your practitioner about them at your next appointment.

If you've had any medical problems in the past or develop any new problems during this pregnancy, you may need more prenatal visits than average.

But the number of scheduled appointments you'll have depends on your medical history and whether you have any complications or conditions such as high blood pressure that warrant more frequent checkups.

In the third trimester, you'll be seen more often, typically once every two weeks until 36 weeks, then weekly until the baby is born.

Typically, a mom-to-be will visit her doctor or midwife every four weeks during the first and second trimesters.

If you have a partner or labor coach, you may want that person to come to some of these appointments with you.

Most pregnant women have between ten and 15 prenatal visits.

What to expect at your prenatal visits.

How many prenatal visits will I have?

You'll see a lot of your healthcare practitioner during your pregnancy – that's why it's so important to choose someone you like and trust.

(First get the cabbage leaves nice and cold in the refrigerator or freezer.) It's safe and worth a try.

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Some clinicians believe that applying raw cabbage to the breasts helps ease discomfort and reduce milk production.

Unless you're really uncomfortable and wanting to express some milk, you'll want to stand with your breasts away from the warm water in the shower, too, as this can stimulate milk production.

But keep in mind that expressing regularly tells your body to make more milk and delays how long it takes for milk production to stop.

If you're really uncomfortable, it's okay to express a small amount of milk to ease the engorgement.

These measures won't make you produce less milk, but they may help you be more comfortable.

You can also try applying cool compresses or ice packs (a bag of frozen vegetables works nicely) and taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen.

Binding can lead to problems like mastitis and plugged ducts. At the very least, it will add to your discomfort.

You'll probably find that wearing a supportive bra makes you more comfortable, but don't bind your breasts.

During that time, you might feel some discomfort if your breasts become engorged with milk.

If you're not breastfeeding or pumping, it typically takes seven to ten days after delivery to return to a non-pregnant/non-lactating hormonal level.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

PIF sends the signal to your brain that the milk isn't needed and gradually shuts down milk production.

If you don't express milk by either nursing or pumping, your body begins to secrete prolactin inhibiting factor (PIF).

The hormone that makes breast milk is called Prolactin.

Whether or not you plan to breastfeed, your breasts will be fuller and heavier once your baby arrives.

The delivery of your baby and the placenta sends a message to your body to begin producing lots of milk.

The process begins during pregnancy. You may have noticed your breasts beginning to secrete colostrum (early breast milk) from 16 weeks of pregnancy onward.

As mammals, women are biologically programmed to make milk for their offspring.

I'm not breastfeeding. Will my breast milk dry up on its own?

Yes, but it'll take a week or so for your body to get the message.

If your periods don't become more regular after a few months:-

If your periods don't become more regular after a few months, or if you've had very heavy periods for more than two or three cycles (meaning you're soaking through a pad or tampon every hour for several hours in a row), let your doctor know. She may want to check for uterine or hormonal issues.

You may also find that your cycles are irregular at first.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Don't be alarmed if your menstrual flow comes back heavier or lighter than it was before you became a mom.

If you're breastfeeding, don't be misled by the myth that you're not fertile – many a nursing mother has been surprised by an unplanned pregnancy.

So if you don't start using birth control as soon as you start having sex again, you can get pregnant even before having your first period.

Keep in mind that your body will release its first postpartum egg before you menstruate.

She may want to check for secondary amenorrhea (that's when women with previously normal cycles don't have a period for three months), pregnancy, or other issues.

If you don't get your period by three months postpartum, talk to your doctor.

If you're formula-feeding your baby, you'll probably start menstruating one to three months after delivering your child.

Some women who breastfeed exclusively around the clock may start menstruating a month after giving birth, while others who supplement with formula may not get their period for several months.

The information above describes the general pattern of postpartum periods, but breastfeeding's effects on menstruation vary widely.

Breastfeeding is no guarantee ovulation will stop.

So if your baby sleeps through the night from an early age, or if you're supplementing with formula, it's likely your period will return sooner than six months.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

But the less often your baby nurses, the sooner your period may come back.

If you've been breastfeeding exclusively, day and night, since you had your baby it can take six months or longer before you have to run to the store for tampons, suffer from PMS, or cope with cramps.

Nursing moms: One benefit of breastfeeding is that it can delay your period.

If you're wondering whether your situation is normal, check with your doctor to make sure things are on track.

The time frames below are just approximations of when you might start having your period again.

But every woman's body and circumstances are different, so there's no reliable way to predict exactly when you'll get your first postpartum period.

When will I get my period after my baby is born?

Whether and how much you're breastfeeding are the main factors that affect how soon you'll start menstruating again.

If you prefer to go the natural route, two books may be helpful:-

If you prefer to go the natural route, two books may be helpful:Breastfeeding and Natural Child Spacing, by Sheila Kippley and Your Fertility Signals: Using Them to Achieve or Avoid Pregnancy Naturally by Merryl Winstein. Both are available through the La Leche League catalog.

That's why many experts recommend nursing moms use one of the barrier methods such as the diaphragm or condoms.

While the progestin-only pill can be used while breastfeeding, some studies indicate it may change the composition of breast milk.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

If you do not want to expand your family for now, please consult your healthcare provider about birth control options.

One thing for certain — consider yourself fertile. The return of your period indicates that ovulation has occurred.

I can't predict whether your cycles will be regular, as every woman's body responds differently to the hormonal influences of breastfeeding.

I can't predict whether your cycles will be regular, as every woman's body responds differently to the hormonal influences of breastfeeding.

Mothers often find their menstrual cycles resume around the time they introduce solid foods or when the baby begins to sleep for longer stretches of four to six hours.

Will my menstrual cycle be regular while I'm breastfeeding?

Kudos to you for continuing to breastfeed your baby! 

Besides improving vaginal tone, pelvic floor exercises help prevent urinary incontinence later in life.

Some women find that associating the exercise with certain activities (for example, while stopped at a red light, talking on the phone, or nursing the baby) helps them remember to do their Kegels.

Do the Kegels in sets of ten and try to work up to three or four sets about three times a day.

As your muscles start to feel stronger, gradually increase both the number of Kegels you do each day and the length of time you hold each contraction.

As with any exercise, start doing Kegels a few at a time, a number of times each day.

Do the Kegels in sets of ten and try to work up to three or four sets about three times a day.