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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

17 Reasons to Cancel Your Gym Membership Immediately.(9)

who are you kidding, anyway?

9. Sure, there are a bunch of studies that say exercise is amazing for you and all, but you could do without the benefits. 

Inexpensive. After the initial investment of between $5 and $10 for a basal body thermometer, you'll have no additional out-of-pocket costs.Pros of using a BBT.(1)

BBT and Cervical Mucus Chart — Keeps track of your temperature when you first wake up in the morning, and the texture of your cervical mucus.

Fertility drugs can invalidate results.

Tests for the luteinizing hormone surge that takes place right before ovulation, but doesn't confirm that you've ovulated.(4) Cons.

May not work well for women with irregular cycles, who may require more than the five to nine predictor sticks for daily testing available in ovulation predictor kits.(3) Cons

Directions must be followed to the letter for accurate results.(2) cons of using an on Ovulation Predictor Kit.

Can be expensive (kits cost between $20 and $50 per cycle).(1) cons of using an on Ovulation Predictor Kit.

Does not indicate the presence of the kind of cervical mucus (egg-white in texture) that must be present for successful conception.Pros (6)

Works better for women whose temperatures don't rise after ovulating.Pros (5)

Only needs to be used mid-cycle, instead of every day.Pros(4)

Monday, 20 April 2015

Can predict ovulation as close as six hours before it happens, making it easier to time intercourse.(Pros) (3)

More accurate than charting basal body temperatures and cervical mucus.(Pros) (2)

Pros of a Ovulation Predictor Kit Convenient and muss-free.(1)

Ovulation Predictor Kit — Tests your urine for hormones that signal that ovulation is imminent.

Or you can take a trip to the drugstore to stock up on ovulation predictor kits. Both work well, but much depends on what you're looking for.

But how do you know when that is? Basically you have two options: You can track your basal body temperature and cervical mucus.

To get pregnant, you must have sex when you're ovulating.

Ovulation predictor kits vs. basal body temperature / cervical mucus: Pros and cons

The kits are available at drugstores without a prescription. But at about $20 to $50 per pack, the cost can add up.

They work by telling you when your level of luteinizing hormone (LH) has gone up, which means one of your ovaries will soon release an egg.

These pee-on-a-stick tests give you a positive result a day or two before you ovulate, giving you time to plan ahead for baby-making sex.

The most accurate method for predicting ovulation is testing your hormone levels with an ovulation predictor kit (OPK).

Use an ovulation predictor kit.

But as you approach ovulation, you'll notice much more cervical mucus. It'll be clear, slippery, and stretchy – kind of like raw egg whites.

For most of the month, you may have very little of it and feel dry.

The notion of annual effective discount rate, often called simply the discount rate, is also used in finance, as an alternative measure to the effective annual rate which is more useful or standard in some contexts.

In business and investment finance, the effective interest rate is often derived from the yield, a composite measure which takes into account all payments of interest and capital from the investment.

In retail finance, the annual percentage rate and effective annual rate concepts have been introduced to help consumers easily compare different products with different payment structures.

The total interest on a loan or investment depends on the timescale the interest is calculated on, because interest paid may be compounded.

What is commonly referred to as the interest rate in the media is generally the rate offered on overnight deposits by the Central Bank or other authority, annualized.

Else cap the interest rate concurrently with economic growth to safeguard economic momentum.

In developed economies, interest-rate adjustments are thus made to keep inflation within a target range for the health of economic activities.

The fresh clove or supplements made from the clove are used for medicine.

Over the years, garlic has been used as a medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of diseases and conditions.

17 Reasons to Cancel Your Gym Membership Immediately.(8)

Who are you kidding, anyway?

Be Honest when do you lift anything heavier than your grocery bags?It's not like you need these guns.

The discharge you'll be tracking is cervical mucus, which changes substantially during your cycle.

Vaginal discharge.

You can detect it by taking your BBT every morning with a special thermometer.

This tiny uptick is only 0.4 to 1.0 degree Fahrenheit.

Your basal body temperature, or BBT, is your lowest body temperature in a 24-hour period.

You won't feel the change, but a few days after you ovulate, your basal body temperature rises.

Body temperature 

If you pay attention to these cues and jot them down each day, you may start to see a pattern that can help you predict when you'll ovulate next.

Chart your basal body temperature and cervical mucus.

A more accurate way to figure out when you ovulate is to track the patterns in your body temperature and your vaginal discharge for a cycle or two. 

Day 1 is the first day of your period; day 28 is the last day before day 1 of your next period.

If you're one of the many women who have a 28-day cycle, there's a good chance you’ll ovulate on day 14.

You're most likely to ovulate during this five-day range.

From that day, count back 12 days and then another four.

First, figure out what day your next period will probably start. (If your period is very irregular, this method won't work for you.)

The easiest way to estimate when you'll ovulate is to count back.

Use the calendar method.

If you know when you'll ovulate, you can time sex accordingly and boost your chances of getting pregnant (or of preventing pregnancy, if that's what you're trying to do).

You're most fertile from two to three days before you ovulate through the day of ovulation.

Predicting ovulation.

What is ovulation?

When you ovulate (or release an egg from your ovary), that egg has a chance of getting fertilized. When that egg gets fertilized, you're pregnant!

If you do get your period (instead of a positive pregnancy test) and haven't yet scheduled a preconception visit with a midwife or doctor, now is a good time to arrange one.

Still, it's always a good idea to call your doctor about any abnormal bleeding, especially if you think you might be pregnant.

Bleeding or cramping may also be a sign of an impending miscarriage, but some women spot for no apparent reason in the first trimester and go on to have a normal pregnancy.

You can have an ectopic pregnancy even if you don't get a positive result on a pregnancy test.

This happens when the fertilized egg grows outside the uterus, usually in a fallopian tube.

You may need an exam to make sure you don't have an ectopic pregnancy.

In the meantime, if you spot again or feel other symptoms, such as pelvic or abdominal pain, dizziness, or light headedness, call your practitioner immediately.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

An economic bubble (due to a low interest rate), in which large amounts of investments are poured into the real-estate market and stock market.

However, a low interest rate as a macro-economic policy can be risky and may lead to the creation of an economic bubble.

The central banks of countries generally tend to reduce interest rates when they wish to increase investment and consumption in the country's economy.

Interest-rate targets are a vital tool of monetary policy and are taken into account when dealing with variables like unemployment.

Interest-rate targets are a vital tool of monetary policy and are taken into account when dealing with variables like inflation.

Interest-rate targets are a vital tool of monetary policy and are taken into account when dealing with variables like investment.

A commercial bank can usually borrow at much lower interest rates from the central bank than the rate at which companies can borrow from the commercial bank.

Friday, 17 April 2015

It is best known as a flavoring for food.(Garlic)

Garlic is an herb.

17 Reasons to Cancel Your Gym Membership Immediately.(7)

Who are you kidding, anyway?

7. You'd never have to sweat again. Because gross.

If you get a negative result but your period still doesn't arrive within a week, repeat the test or visit your doctor to have a blood test.

Also, take the test first thing in the morning because that's when urine is more concentrated and contains more hCG.

For the most accurate results, follow the test directions carefully.

Home pregnancy tests can detect fairly low levels of hCG, so if you're pregnant you should be able to get a positive result by the time your period is a few days late.

Pregnancy tests detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone that your body starts producing after an egg is fertilized.

On the other hand, it's not uncommon to get your period a few days late every once in a while. The best way to find out is to take a home pregnancy test.

Implantation bleeding is a lot lighter than a typical period – just a little spotting over a day or two.

This bleeding may be caused by the fertilized egg burrowing into the blood-rich lining of your uterus (a process that starts just six days after fertilization), but no one knows for sure.

Some pregnant women notice light spotting called implantation bleeding around the time their period is due.

Is this my period or could I be pregnant?

If your period is usually right on schedule and you're now late, you could be pregnant. 

Remember that a baby starts to develop before you can tell you're pregnant, so take care of your health while you're waiting to find out.

So if you decide to take a test earlier than that and get a negative result, try again in a few days.

In spite of what you might read on the box, many home pregnancy tests are not sensitive enough to reliably detect pregnancy until about a week after a missed period.

1. The proof: A positive home pregnancy test.

If you've been charting your basal body temperature and you see that your temperature has stayed elevated for 18 days in a row, you're probably pregnant.

2. Your basal body temperature stays high

But if you're not regular or you're not keeping track of your cycle, nausea and breast tenderness and extra trips to the bathroom may signal pregnancy before you realize you didn't get your period.

If you're usually pretty regular and your period doesn't arrive on time, you may decide to do a pregnancy test before you notice any of the above symptoms.

3. A missed period

A lucky few escape it altogether.(Morning Sickness)

For most others it takes another month or so for the queasiness to ease up.

About half of pregnant women with nausea feel complete relief by the beginning of the second trimester.

And not just in the morning, either: Pregnancy-related nausea (with or without vomiting) can be a problem morning, noon, or night.

For some women, morning sickness doesn't hit until about a month after conception, though for others it may start a week or two earlier.

4. Nausea

Your discomfort should diminish significantly after the first trimester, as your body adjusts to the hormonal changes.

The soreness and swelling may feel like an exaggerated version of how your breasts feel before your period.

5. Tender, swollen breasts

For example, a company borrows capital from a bank :-

For example, a company borrows capital from a bank to buy new assets for its business, and in return the lender receives rights on the new assets as collateral and interest at a predetermined interest rate for deferring the use of funds and instead lending it to the borrower.

Different interest rates exist parallelly for the same or comparable time periods, depending on many more determinants of a loan or credit.

Different interest rates exist parallelly for the same or comparable time periods, depending on the payback currency.

Different interest rates exist parallelly for the same or comparable time periods, depending on the residual term.

Different interest rates exist parallelly for the same or comparable time periods, depending on the default probability of the borrower.

Interest rates are normally expressed as a percentage of the principal for a period of one year, sometimes they are expressed for different periods like for a month or a day.

Specifically, the interest rate is a percentage of principal paid a certain number of times per period for all periods during the total term of the loan or credit.

It’s a good idea to look for supplements that are coated (enteric coating) so they will dissolve in the intestine and not in the stomach.

Some products are made “odorless” by aging the garlic, but this process can also make the garlic less effective.

17 Reasons to Cancel Your Gym Membership Immediately.(7)

Who are you kidding, anyway?

6. Or be able to stand upside down.

Thursday, 16 April 2015

One of the early signs of pregnancy is sensitive, sore breasts caused by rising levels of hormones.

5. Tender, swollen breasts

fatigue usually returns late in pregnancy when you're carrying around a lot more weight and some of the common discomforts of pregnancy make it more difficult to get a good night's sleep.

You should start to feel more energetic once you hit your second trimester.

No one knows for sure what causes early pregnancy fatigue, but it's possible that rapidly increasing levels of the hormone progesterone are contributing to your sleepiness.

morning sickness and having to urinate frequently during the night can add to your sluggishness, too.

Feeling tired all of a sudden? No, make that exhausted.

6. Fatigue

The problem is compounded as your growing baby exerts more pressure on your bladder.

Your blood volume rises dramatically during pregnancy, which leads to extra fluid being processed and ending up in your bladder.

Frequent urination will continue – or intensify – as your pregnancy progresses.

This symptom may start as early as six weeks into your first trimester.

This causes your bladder to fill more quickly, so you need to pee more often.

Shortly after you become pregnant, hormonal changes prompt a chain of events that raise the rate of blood flow through your kidneys.

7. Frequent urination

That's why your clothes may feel more snug than usual at the waistline, even early on when your uterus is still quite small.

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy may leave you feeling bloated, similar to the feeling some women have just before their period. B

8. Abdominal bloating

If you've been feeling sad or hopeless or unable to cope with your daily responsibilities, or you're having thoughts of harming yourself, call your healthcare provider or a mental health professional right away.

Everyone responds differently to these changes. Some moms-to-be experience heightened emotions, both good and bad; others feel more depressed or anxious.

It's common to have mood swings during pregnancy, partly because of hormonal changes that affect your levels of neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain).

9. Mood swings

You may also find that certain foods you used to enjoy are suddenly completely repulsive to you.

Though no one knows for sure, this may be a side effect of rapidly increasing amounts of estrogen in your system.

If you're newly pregnant, it's not uncommon to feel repelled by the smell of a bologna sandwich or a cup of coffee, and for certain aromas to trigger your gag reflex.

10. Food aversions

Interest rate.

An interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by borrowers (debtors) for the use of money that they borrow from lenders (creditors). 

Contrary models assert that, for example, a rise in expected inflation would result in only a smaller rise in the nominal interest rate i and thus a decline in the real interest rate r.

With a fixed real interest rate, a given percent change in the expected inflation rate will, according to the equation, necessarily be met with an equal percent change in the nominal interest rate in the same direction.

The Fisher equation plays a key role in the Fisher hypothesis, which asserts that the real interest rate is unaffected by monetary policy and hence unaffected by the expected inflation rate.

The Fisher equation has important implications in the trading of inflation-indexed bonds, where changes in coupon payments are a result of changes in break-even inflation, real interest rates and nominal interest rates.

Inflation-indexed bonds.

This alleviates any question concerning whether to conduct cost-benefit analysis in terms of constant or nominal prices.

By observing the above equations, it is clear that the present value of net benefits derived by either equation will be identical.

Garlic produces a chemical called allicin. This is what seems to make garlic work for certain conditions. Allicin also makes garlic smell.

How does it work?

There is some evidence that fresh garlic, but not aged garlic, can kill certain bacteria such as Salmonella enteritidis in the laboratory.

17 Reasons to Cancel Your Gym Membership Immediately.(6)

Who are you kidding, anyway?

5. You wouldn't want to look super BAMF like this, would you?

But if you start to experience some of the symptoms below – not all women get them all – and you're wondering why you haven't gotten your period, you may very well be pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test to find out for sure!

If you're not keeping track of your menstrual cycle or if it varies widely from one month to the next, you may not be sure when to expect your period.

If you're not keeping track of your menstrual cycle or if it varies widely from one month to the next, you may not be sure when to expect your period.

Pregnancy symptoms: Top 10 early signs of pregnancy.

Early signs of pregnancy

Could you be pregnant? Some symptoms may show up about the time you've missed a period – or a week or two later. In fact, 7 out of 10 women have symptoms by the time they're six weeks pregnant.

What your baby looks like -- 41 weeks.(Photograph)

Skin: By now, your baby's skin has probably started to peel a bit as a result of his long bath in the amniotic fluid.

Cervix: Your practitioner may check your cervix to see how soft it is, how effaced (thinned out) it is, and how dilated (open) it is. This is important information if you need to be induced.

What your baby looks like -- 41 weeks.

Amniotic sac: There's less amniotic fluid around your baby now.

What your baby looks like -- 40 weeks.(Photograph)

Your baby will have soft spots on her head for the first year or more after birth.

Skull: The skull bones are separated so that they can compress enough to fit through the birth canal during labor.

What your baby looks like -- 40 weeks.

Hair: Your baby's hair and nails continue to get longer with every passing day.

What your baby looks like -- 39 weeks.(Photograph)

Skin: Your baby's outer skin cells are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.

Fat: Your baby is still putting on layers of fat to help control his body temperature after birth.

What your baby looks like -- 39 weeks.

Amniotic sac: When someone says "my water broke," that means the amniotic sac has ruptured and amniotic fluid is leaking or gushing out. In most pregnancies, this doesn't happen until labor has started.

What your baby looks like -- 38 weeks.(photograph)

Hand: Your baby has a firm grasp now.

If she's born with dark gray or blue eyes, they may stay that color or turn brown, green, or hazel during her first year.

What your baby looks like -- 38 weeks.

Eyes: If your baby is born with brown eyes, they'll likely stay brown.

What your baby looks like -- 37 weeks.(Photograph)

If you see some "bloody show" (mucus tinged with a tiny bit of blood), labor is probably right around the corner.

Vagina: You might notice an increase in mucus discharge from your vagina.

Uterus: You may be having more Braxton Hicks contractions now, and they may last longer and be more uncomfortable.

What your baby looks like -- 37 weeks.

Skin: Your baby is shedding most of her downy body hair as well as some of the vernix caseosa, the creamy substance that protects her skin.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

The present value of expected net benefits is given by:-(With Inflation Included).

\text{PVNB} = \frac{Z_1(1+I_1)}{1+r_1} + \frac{Z_2(1+I_1)(1+I_2)}{(1+r_1)(1+r_2)} + \cdots + \frac{Z_n(1+I_1)\cdots(1+I_n)}{(1+r_1)\cdots(1+r_n)}

The present value of the expected net benefits PVNB is given by:-

For example, assume that Zi represents the undiscounted expected net benefits at the end of year t, evaluated at constant prices, and RtIt, and rt are the real rate of interest, the expected rate of inflation, and the nominal rate of interest for year tt = 1, ..., n, respectively. The present value of the expected net benefits PVNB is given by
\text{PVNB} = \frac{Z_1}{1+R_1} + \frac{Z_2}{(1+R_1)(1+R_2)} + \cdots + \frac{Z_n}{(1+R_1) \cdots (1+R_n)}

Both approaches are equivalent as long as both prices and interest rates are projected in real terms, or both projected in nominal terms.

The second approach includes inflation in both the price and the interest rate calculations; calculations are made in nominal terms.

no inflationary components are included in either the prices or the interest rates.( For calculating the present value)

First, when calculating the present value of expected net benefits, prices and interest rates can be calculated in real terms.

For the purpose of cost-benefit analysis inflation can be consistently handled in either of two ways.

There is some evidence that fresh garlic, but not aged garlic, can kill certain bacteria such as antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

There is some evidence that fresh garlic, but not aged garlic, can kill certain bacteria such as E. coli.

17 Reasons to Cancel Your Gym Membership Immediately.(5)

Who are you kidding, anyway?

5. You wouldn't want to look super BAMF like this, would you?

What your baby looks like -- 37 weeks.

Hair: Your baby may have a full head of hair by now, with locks up to 1 1/2 inches long. Of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz at birth.

What your baby looks like -- 36 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: Your Braxton Hicks contractions may be a little more frequent now.

What your baby looks like -- 36 weeks.

Head: Your baby is probably in a head-down position by now, which is optimal for a smooth delivery, and the head may be dropping lower into your pelvis.

What your baby looks like -- 35 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: Your uterus has expanded to about 15 times its original volume and is poking up under your ribs.

Fat: Your baby will spend the next few weeks putting on weight at the rate of about an ounce a day.

What your baby looks like -- 35 weeks.

Amniotic fluid: The amount of amniotic fluid surrounding your baby has peaked and will start to diminish now.

What your baby looks like -- 34 weeks.(Photograph)

About 99 percent of babies born at this stage can survive outside the womb, and most have no major long-term problems.(34 weeks)

Lungs: Your baby's lungs are well developed now.(34 weeks)

What your baby looks like -- 34 weeks.

Fat: Your baby's layers of fat are filling out. She'll need them to regulate her body temperature once she's born.

What your baby looks like -- 33 weeks.(Photograph)

Skull: Your baby's skull is quite pliable and not completely joined. This will help him ease out of your relatively narrow birth canal.

What your baby looks like -- 33 weeks.

Skin: Your baby's skin is becoming less red and wrinkled.

What your baby looks like -- 32 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: With your uterus pushing up near your diaphragm and putting pressure on your abdomen, you may be dealing with heartburn more often or feeling a little short of breath.

Toenail: Your baby's fingernails and toenails have now grown in.

Hair: Some babies have a full head of hair by this point; others have only peach fuzz.

What your baby looks like -- 31 weeks.(Photograph)

These are Braxton Hicks contractions and it's common to feel them in the second half of your pregnancy.

Uterus: You may have noticed the muscles in your uterus tightening now and then.

What your baby looks like -- 31 weeks.

Fat: Your baby is accumulating a layer of fat under his skin. As a result, his legs, arms, and torso are filling out.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

As detailed by Steve Hanke, Philip Carver, and Paul Bugg (1975),cost benefit analysis can be greatly distorted if the exact Fischer equation is not applied.

Cost–benefit analysis.

So a difference in price of 66p per £100 translates into a difference of £66,000 per deal.

The average size of actual transactions in this bond in the market in the final quarter of 2005 was £10 million.

At a nominal rate of return of 3.81% per year, the value of the bond is £107.84 per £100 nominal. At a rate of return of 3.775% per year, the value is £108.50 per £100 nominal, or 66p more.

This article implies that you can ignore the least significant term in the expansion (0.02 × 0.01775 = 0.00035 or 0.035%) and just call the nominal rate of return 3.775%, on the grounds that that is almost the same as 3.81%.

1.02 × 1.01775 = (1 + 0.02) × (1 + 0.01775) = 1.0381.

Let's assume that this can be broken down into a real rate of exactly 2% and an inflation premium of 1.775% (no premium for risk, as government bond is considered to be "risk-free"):


The market rate of return on the 4.25% UK government bond maturing on 8 March 2050 is 3.81% per year. Let's assume that this can be broken down into a real rate of exactly 2% and an inflation premium of 1.775% (no premium for risk, as government bond is considered to be "risk-free"):-

From here the nominal interest rate can be solved for.
1 + i_t &= \left (1 + r_{t+1} \right ) \left (1 + \pi_{t+1} \right ) \\
        &= 1 + r_{t+1} + \pi_{t+1} + r_{t+1} \pi_{t+1}

While garlic is a common flavoring in food, some scientists have suggested that it might have a role as a food additive to prevent food poisoning.

Methods that involve crushing the fresh clove release more allicin. Some products have a coating (enteric coating) to protect them against attack by stomach acids.

17 Reasons to Cancel Your Gym Membership Immediately.(4)

Who are you kidding, anyway?

4. Endorphins are way overrated.

What your baby looks like -- 30 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: As your uterus grows, your balance will be off and you may feel clumsy.

At birth, her vision will be about 20/400, which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.

Eye: Your baby is able to distinguish between light and dark.

That volume will peak over the next few weeks and then decrease as your baby gets bigger and fills out your uterus.

What your baby looks like -- 30 weeks.

Amniotic fluid: A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds your baby. 

What your baby looks like -- 29 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: You may feel dizzy if you lie on your back now. That's because your growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood from your lower half to your heart.

Head: Your baby's head is growing bigger to accommodate his brain, which is busy developing billions of neurons.

Bone: Your baby's skeleton -- which is now hardening -- receives about 200 milligrams of calcium a day.

These swollen blood vessels in your rectal area should clear up a few weeks after delivery.

What your baby looks like -- 29 weeks.

Anus: It's common to get hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

What your baby looks like -- 28 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: You should be able to feel your baby's movements quite regularly now.

What your baby looks like -- 28 weeks.

What your baby looks like -- 27 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: As your uterus grows, it puts pressure on the blood vessels that return blood from your legs. As a result, your leg muscles might cramp up now and then.

Mouth: Your baby may suck his fingers. You may also feel him getting the hiccups now and then.

What your baby looks like -- 27 weeks.

What your baby looks like -- 26 weeks.(Photograph)

Monday, 13 April 2015

Genitals: If you're having a boy, his testicles are beginning to descend into his scrotum – a trip that will take two to three months.

Ear: The nerve pathways in your baby's ears are developing, so her response to sounds is growing more consistent.

Example:-The market rate of return on the 4.25% UK government bond maturing on 8 March 2050 is 3.81% per year.

But if the price level has changed between period t and t + 1, then the real value of the proceeds from the bond is therefore :-

(1+r_{t+1})= \frac{1+i_t}{1+\pi_{t+1}}

If redeemed in period, t + 1, the buyer will receive (1 + it) dollars.

So assume someone buys a $1 bond in period t while the interest rate is it.

Although time subscripts are sometimes omitted, the intuition behind the Fisher equation is the relationship between nominal and real interest rates, through inflation, and the percentage change in the price level between two time periods.

This equation existed before Fisher,but Fisher proposed a better approximation which is given below. The approximation can be derived from the exact equation:-

1 + i = (1 + r)(1 + \pi).

Rearranged into an expectations augmented Fisher equation:-

Rearranged into an expectations augmented Fisher equation and given a desired real rate of return and an expected rate of inflation Ï€e (with superscript e meaning "expected") over the period of a loan, it can be used as an ex-ante version to decide upon the nominal rate that should be charged for the loan:
i = r + \pi^e

Unfortunately,this (aging) also reduces the amount of allicin and compromises the effectiveness of the product. Some odorless garlic preparations and products may contain very little, if any, allicin.

Allicin is unstable, and changes into a different chemical rather quickly.Some manufacturers take advantage of this by aging garlic to make it odorless.

17 Reasons to Cancel Your Gym Membership Immediately.(3)

Who are you kidding, anyway?

3. Why would you want a use for your freakin' stylish fitness wardrobe?

Sunday, 12 April 2015

What your baby looks like -- 26 weeks.

Back: Your back may be aching thanks to a shifting center of gravity and pregnancy hormones loosening up your joints and ligaments.

What your baby looks like -- 25 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: Your growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood to the heart, which is why you may feel dizzy if you lie on your back for too long.

Hair: Your baby's hair now has recognizable color and texture, although both may change after he's born.

As he put on baby fat , his skin will start to smooth out and he'll start to look more like a newborn.

What your baby looks like -- 25 weeks.

Fat: Your baby is starting to put on baby fat. 

What your baby looks like -- 24 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: The top of your uterus is now an inch or so above your belly button, making it about the size of a soccer ball.

Taste buds: Your baby's taste buds are developing now.

Skin: Your skin may be feeling a bit itchy and dry as it stretches. Keeping it well moisturized may help.

Your baby's lungs are developing surfactant, a substance that helps air sacs in the lungs inflate easily.

What your baby looks like -- 24 weeks.

Lungs: Your baby's lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" .

What your baby looks like -- 23 weeks.(Photograph)

Edema in your ankles and feet.

Uterus: Your growing uterus puts pressure on the veins that return blood from the lower half of your body. This can cause swelling (called edema) in your ankles and feet.

Skin: Your baby's skin is red and wrinkled. This is true for all babies, regardless of what color their skin will be after birth.

What your baby looks like -- 23 weeks.

Ear: Loud noises that your baby hears often in utero -- such as the dog barking -- probably won't bother him after birth.

What your baby looks like -- 22 weeks.(Photograph)

Also, your belly button may soon "pop out" if it hasn't already.

Uterus: You may develop stretch marks on your belly as your abdomen expands to accommodate your growing uterus.

Skin: Your baby's skin will look wrinkled until she gains enough weight to fill it out.

Lips: Your baby's lips are becoming more distinct and tooth buds are developing beneath her gum line.

Beneath them, the eyes are developed but the irises (the colored part of the eye) still lack pigment.

What your baby looks like -- 22 weeks.

Eyes: Your baby's eyelids are still fused shut.

The Fisher equation can be used in either ex-ante (before) or ex-post (after) analysis. Ex-post, it can be used to describe the real purchasing power of a loan:-

r = i - \pi

This is a linear approximation, but as here, it is often written as an equality:-

i = r + \pi

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Letting r denote the real interest rate, i denote the nominal interest rate, and let π denote the inflation rate:-

 The Fisher equation is:

i \approx r + \pi

In economics, this equation is used to predict nominal and real interest rate behavior.

In finance, the Fisher equation is primarily used in YTM calculations of bonds or IRR calculations of investments.

It is named after Irving Fisher, who was famous for his works on the theory of interest.

Fisher equation.

The Fisher equation in financial mathematics and economics estimates the relationship between nominal and real interest rates inflation

The amount of allicin, the active ingredient and the source of garlic’s distinctive odor, depends on the method of preparation.

The effectiveness of garlic against warts and corns is still uncertain.

The amount of allicin, the active ingredient and the source of garlic’s distinctive odor, depends on the method of preparation.

17 Reasons to Cancel Your Gym Membership Immediately.(2)

Who are you kidding, anyway?

2. And you like getting winded going up stairs, actually.

What your baby looks like -- 21 weeks.(Photograph)

your growing uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, the large vein that returns blood from the legs to the heart.

Uterus: You may develop varicose veins in your legs.

What your baby looks like -- 21 weeks.

Eyelid: Your baby's eyelids and eyebrows are now fully developed.

What your baby looks like -- 20 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: The top of your uterus (fundus) is now at the level of your belly button.

vernix caseosa, that protects her skin during its long submersion in amniotic fluid.

Skin: Your baby's body is now coated with a greasy white substance, the vernix caseosa.

This sticky black substance made up of sloughed cells, digestive secretions, and swallowed amniotic fluid will show up in her first dirty diaper.

What your baby looks like -- 20 weeks.

Bowel: Meconium is accumulating in your baby's bowel. 

What your baby looks like -- 19 weeks.(Photograph)

Uterus: You may be feeling some achiness in your lower abdomen caused by the stretching of the ligaments that support your growing uterus.

Scalp: Hair is sprouting on your baby's scalp.

Leg: Your baby's arms and legs are now in the right proportions to each other and to the rest of his body.

What your baby looks like -- 19 weeks.

Brain: This is a crucial time for sensory development. Your baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch.

What your baby looks like -- 18 weeks.(Photograph)

Placenta: You might have an ultrasound in the next few weeks to see how your baby's growing, screen for birth defects, and check the position of the placenta.

Leg: Your baby is busy flexing her arms and legs -- movements that you'll soon begin to notice if you haven't already.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

The model also predicts a nonmonotonic relationship between the price-to-rent ratio on housing and nominal interest rates -- housing booms occur both when the nominal rate is especially low and when it is especially high.

This paper considers asset pricing in a general equilibrium model in which some, but not all, agents suffer from inflation illusion. Illusionary investors mistake changes in nominal interest rates for changes in real rates, while smart investors understand the Fisher equation. The presence of smart investors ensures that the equilibrium nominal interest rate moves with expected inflation. The model also predicts a nonmonotonic relationship between the price-to-rent ratio on housing and nominal interest rates -- housing booms occur both when the nominal rate is especially low and when it is especially high.

Figure 3. A function that is not monotonic.

Figure 2. A monotonically decreasing function.

Figure 1. A monotonically increasing function.

Figure 1. A monotonically increasing function.
 It is strictly increasing on the left and right while just non-decreasing in the middle.

Likewise, a function is called monotonically decreasing:-

Likewise, a function is called monotonically decreasing (also decreasing, or non-increasing) if, whenever x \leq y, then f\!\left(x\right) \geq f\!\left(y\right), so it reverses the order.

It is called monotonically increasing:-

It is called monotonically increasing (also increasing or non-decreasing), if for all xand y such that x \leq y one has f\!\left(x\right) \leq f\!\left(y\right), so f preserves the order.

Monotonicity in calculus and analysis.

In calculus, a function f defined on a subset of the real numbers with real values is called monotonic if it is either entirely nonincreasing or nondecreasing.